
Artwork of young Kazakhstanis presented in Luxembourg

Almaty. August 2. Information Center - The Kazakh diaspora gathered recently for the meet-up of friends of Kazakhstan and for the exhibition of artworks by young Kazakhstanis called 'The world through the eyes of the children of Kazakhstan',  EU reporter reports.

The event is part of the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Independence of Kazakhstan and was attended by representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs of Luxembourg, business and culture circles, public organizations of Luxembourg, as well as Kazakhs living in Luxembourg.

It was organized by the Embassy of Kazakhstan, the Kazakhstan-Luxembourg Association, and the Ayalagan Alaqan, a Public Charitable Foundation from Kazakhstan. Taking into account the importance of preserving and developing ties of the diaspora with Kazakhstan, the meetings of Kazakhs in Luxembourg are becoming a tradition.

During the meeting, Nurgul Tursyn, the president of the Kazakhstan-Luxembourg Association, spoke about the contribution of the Association in promoting the image of Kazakhstan abroad, as well as other events, aimed at enhancing cultural and humanitarian ties between the two countries.

In his welcoming speech, Miras Andabayev, the Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy, noted that the Ayalagan Alaqan Foundation is carrying out very important work, demonstrating the creativity of Kazakhstani children who are distinguished by special talent, as well as a positive energy coming from their paintings.

The exhibition of drawings of young Kazakhstanis made a strong impression on the guests of the event, who noted that the works of children embody the state of their inner world and the desire to learn. "Looking at these drawings, we can say that these children love their country, city, the animals. They strive to learn about the world around them, and even space," one of the guests noted.

The Ayalagan Alaqan Foundation, led by Rada Khairusheva, has been organizing similar exhibitions around the world in cooperation with the Еmbassies of Kazakhstan in India, the UAE, Armenia, Latvia, France, and is currently working on other exhibitions to familiarize the international community with the creativity of young Kazakhstanis with disabilities and special educational needs.

Источник: EU Reporter

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