
Official urges setting up Iran-Kazakhstan joint Security WG


Almaty. January 18. Information Center - Iran’s Deputy Interior Ministry for Security and Disciplinary Affairs called for establishing a joint security working group between Islamic Republic of Iran and Republic of Kazakhstan, MEHR reports.

Speaking in a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Iran Askhat Orazbay, held at the venue of Interior Ministry on Sat., Hossein Zolfaghari called for the development of bilateral cooperation within the framework of security and disciplinary agreement as well as setting up a joint security working group between the two countries.

Pointing to earlier signed cooperation documents, Zolfaghari urged establishing a joint security working group between the two countries of Iran and Kazakhstan.

During the meeting, the two sides exchanged their views on the development of bilateral ties as well as the need to develop and enhance cooperation in line with promoting security.

Deputy interior minister pointed to the signing a joint security and disciplinary cooperation agreement between the two countries and called for promoting cooperation within the framework of the mentioned agreement and also setting a joint bilateral security working group.

Turning to the conclusion of a joint security cooperation agreement in the Caspian Sea, Zolfaghari termed cooperation of the two countries of Iran and Kazakhstan in the border field of the Caspian Sea “positive and constructive”.

While emphasizing the need for strengthening cooperation between Interior Ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Kazakh Ministry of Interior and the National Security Committee in the fight against terrorism, organized crime, narcotics, border cooperation in the Caspian Sea and exchange of specialized delegations, the Kazakh envoy, for his part, stressed constructive cooperation between the two countries of Iran and Kazakhstan in relevant fields.


Источник: MEHR

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