
Kazakh MFA Establishes Operation Headquarters to Assist Students Studying Abroad

Фото:Photo credit: Mfa.kz

Almaty. August 24. Information Center -The Kazakh Ministry of Foreign Affairs established the Operation Headquarters to coordinate and help Kazakh students who study abroad, Astana Times reports.

“The pandemic outbreak creates difficulties for international students globally. Regular flights and transport links have been suspended, entry for foreign citizens is prohibited, and the quarantine regime remains in many countries. Universities have now transferred to distance learning for foreign students,” reads the Aug. 19 release.

In this light, consular workers in the host countries will contact universities to learn about the format of training for foreign students. Central Office staff will work with foreign embassies accredited in Kazakhstan.

The headquarters assists students in establishing contacts with universities, in obtaining visas, in matters of entering a foreign country, crossing the border and other issues. 

Students and their parents can call the Operation Headquarters through these phones: +7 (7172) 72-00-46, 72-00-47, 72-05-49 or send an e-mail to  covid19@mfa.kz. 

On Aug. 20, the Embassy of Russia in Kazakhstan reported that the entry of Kazakh students to Russian universities is still under consideration. Special consultations with Rospotrebnadzor, Russia’s Ministry of Education and Science, specialized departments and universities are underway. 

“If international flights between Kazakhstan and Russia do not resume at the beginning of the academic year, Russia’s Ministry of Education and Science will organize distance learning until these restrictions are lifted. Kazakh students can learn about the updated information on the official website of the university and contact their mentors,” says the release.  

Earlier, the Kazakh Ministry of Education and Science announced plans to assist students studying abroad to transfer to study locally if they cannot leave the country to continue their studies.

Students can submit an application on transfer from a foreign university to a local one on the Egov.kz website. It is necessary to submit a document about completed educational programs, a document confirming the completion of the previous level of education and the results of entrance examinations for admission.

Kazakhstan resumed flights on Aug. 17 to Belarus, Egypt, Germany, Russia, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates and Ukraine. Flying to Russia, however, requires an official permit from the Russian side.  

Overall, approximately 100,000 Kazakh students are studying abroad.  

Источник: Astana Times

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