
Georgian citizen accused of raping 26-year-old Kazakh woman dies at hospital


Almaty. July 16. Information Center - Besik Tordua, accused of raping 26-year-old Kazakh citizen Aisel Aitpaeva, has died in Vivamedi hospital, Agenda.ge reports.

The Georgian Prosecutor’s Office charged Tordua on May 8 with the rape of Kazakh citizen which then led to her suicide.

Police found that Tordua raped the Kazakh woman after threatening her. Following the rape, the woman jumped from the eighth floor of a residential building.

Tordua’s lawyer Lasha Shukakidze told Interpressnews today that Tordua was transferred from prison to hospital a week ago.

Shukakidze noted that before being taken to hospital, Tordua had received bruises to the head.

About a week ago I was informed that Besik Tordua had been taken to the intensive care unit. I visited him a few days ago; he was under artificial respiration. Doctor told me Tordua had undergone an emergency surgery as he had a large amount of blood in his head… Currently I have no information exactly what was the reason for his death”, said Shukakidze.

Tordua’s lawyer Lasha Shukakidze thinks that the penitentiary institution was too late responding to the prisoner’s illness, which may have resulted in his death.

Responding to the death of Besik Tordua, the penitentiary institution said that upon entry to the prison’s hospital, Tordua was diagnosed with arterial hypertension.

The official statement of the penitentiary institution also reads that despite being under supervision of doctors, on June 30 the patient lost consciousness followed by loss of speech and high blood pressure. After being transferred to a civil hospital, the results of brain tomography showed cerebral infarction.

Urgent surgical intervention became necessary following the consultation of a neurosurgeon. After the surgery, the general condition remained severe with haemodynamic parameters unstable. Despite the treatment, the patient’s condition worsened on June 14. Despite cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the mechanical functioning of the head could not be restored and the patient died”, reads the statement.

Tordua’s lawyer Lasha Shukakidze said after requesting the patient's medical documentation he’ll start studying the case.

Источник: Agenda.ge

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